Email Marketing

  • Time-Based Content

  • Newsletters

  • Data-Driven

Impact the Inbox

Email is a powerful part of your performance marketing as a direct dialogue and relationship-building tool.
We can put your plan into action so you can focus on the big picture.

Winning Email Strategy

Lidax will review your goals, provide a performance audit, and recommend strategies for list growth, deliverability, lead-nurturing, automated emails, design, conversion optimization, content management, and more.

Email Marketing Audit

We’ll review and audit current email sending parameters and recommend changes to maximize deliverability and inbox placement.

Winning Email Strategies

 Is it working? We’ll provide effective strategies to make your email marketing outperform your competition.


List Growth

We'll review your current list of growth results and recommend best practices to optimize and boost your growth opportunities via your site, social media channels, and physical store.

Frequency Optimization

We'll recommend how often and how many emails you should send. We'll recommend a frequency for newsletters and automated emails based on your business domain and audiences.

Stellar Copy

Lidax marketing team will help you maximize open rates, clicks, and conversions through engaging subject lines and email copy. Our writers will create a content calendar and provide ideas and copy for your emails and blogs.

How can we help you?
Feel free to contact us today